Tuesday, December 29, 2009

GPS on the hill? Necessity or a hazard?

I enjoy taking part in debates on GPS and how it is becoming a bigger part of mountaineering and hill walking, and to what end the increasing GPS trend represents a positive or a negative impact for what I do.

So there is no confusion I’ll briefly explain the types of GPS available out there at the moment:

1) GPS sets with no mapping data – these handsets such as the Garmin etrex provide an accurate readout of location in a variety of formats (including OS grid ref), they also provide a track of where you have walked that day (provided you have had the set on all day) meaning that in the event of an emergency you can back track to where you came from. However they do not show a map with features, so setting a grid reference where you want to go to, will not take into account cliffs, steep ground and other hazards.
2) GPS sets with “vector mapping” – these handsets are the same as the above however they have vector maps which provide basic details like landmarks, rivers, roads and paths. Some sets have contours but not all. The advantage to vector maps is that as you zoom out details are removed meaning the map doesn’t become cluttered. These maps can be useful, but are not 100% accurate in many cases.
3) GPS sets with full OS maps – increasingly popular with new handsets, these GPS sets have full ordnance survey mapping in 1:25k or 1:50k. Although this has been available on PDA’s for some time via memory map, the short battery life and lack of ruggedness meant they were unsuitable for use on the hill. Some PDA’s like the Airo A25 (see review) are ideal for hill use. Newer sets like the memory map navigator set and the Satmap Active 10 are rugged units with built in mapping which mean that accurate positions are displayed on a map, allowing you to double check the outdoor with your surroundings using normal map and compass techniques. Even some phones now have OS GPS capability via ViewRanger software.

The benefits of having a GPS are obvious; in the event of an emergency you simply switch it on and allow to provide an accurate read out of you location. This is essential to any walking group and could save valuable time should the worst happen. In the event of poor weather a GPS set can help you navigate your way to safer ground.

Now recently on UKC I suggested that a GPS with OS mapping was the safest and best option as you can double check the readout using your own skills. However one forum user replied “Your're way too soft. there's no adventure there.” Now besides the obvious mis-spelling of “you’re”. The same user then proceeded to wreck the thread by calling another guy putting forward a good opinion a twat but nevermind.

Personally I think that new GPS sets are tough enough, accurate enough, and last long enough to be the most effective way of navigating on the hill. The accurate location shows on a map, allowing you to cross check it with your own skills. However this gets into the debate of ethics and loss of adventure etc. Personally I am ok with using a GPS, I learned to navigate the hard way, through practice and training and doing my ML. However I understand that others may feel that something is lost by using a GPS. I get my thrills from the adventure of what I’m doing. However despite that all DofE gold groups I work with are trained on the use of GPS, however it is left in a sealed envelope which is checked daily, and the group told only to use it in emergencies.

In the end its down to individuals to decide their own ethics and comfort zone. For me carrying a GPS and using it to navigate with is perfectly ok to me, and I don’t think it would dull my enjoyment of the hills. By ensuring I have a backup map and compass (and knowing how to use it) plus a spare battery I feel totally at home. However I frequently use map and compass only (with GPS in bag) to make sure my purist map reading skills are still up to scratch!

I will be posting a “how to” of different GPS sets and types on here in the next couple of weeks, which will helpfully help anyone wanting to use a GPS but who is not sure of how they work.

Pelaris dagangan / toko

-ambil 7 butir tanah kemudian di tulis/di baca asmak "LAKHAKHTHOTHIIL" lalu tanah tsb di taruh di bawah toko / tempat berdagang,Insya Allah tokonya di beri keberkahan dan kemurahan rejeki

doa agar dapat membayar hutang....

"Yaa Kabiiru anta Ladzii Laa Yahtadiyal washifuun liwashfi Azhomatihi"

-di baca setiap sholat fardhu sebanyak 313x insya Allah,Allah akan memberikan jalan rejeki yg tdk terduga sehingga anda mampu membayar hutang anda.wallahu a'lam

-amalan agar relasi bisnis kita tidak terputus

"fain Tawallaw faqul hasbiyallohu Laa Ilaha illa huwa 'alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa Rabbul 'arsyil 'azhiim,Allahumma anta yaa Rabbi hasbiy 'alaa............(nama relasi yg ingin di tarik atau di jaga hubungannya)............I'thif qalbahu wa dzallilhu Liy" 73x

-di baca setiap malam jum'at pukul 24.00 wib insya Alloh hubungan anda dgn relasi anda akan terjaga dgn baik,maklum persaingan kerja kan makin mgila,jadi ga ada salahnya menjalankan usaha bathin utk itu...oh iya ini jg bisa buat menarik relasi dan MENUNDUKKAN ATASAN LOh (sering coba waktu ngadep boz) hehehehe.......

Untuk mengundang tamu

ya tamu fala tasiful ul sunu hula zalali mulkihi wa ijatihi

Asihan tamu supaya jadi langganan

Baca : hassbunallah wani`mal wakil 1000x
Pada air minum lalu suguh kan pada tamu

Asma Kurung

Keilmuan/amalan ini diijazahkan khusus untuk semua yg membutuhkan, Ucapkan dalam hati "Qobiltu" (saya terima)

Disebut asma kurung karena siapapun yang mengamalkan ayat berikut ini maka dirinya akan diselubungi cahaya Nur Ilahi sehingga meskipun seluruh jin dan manusia berkumpul untuk mencelakakan dirinya, maka tidak akan pernah bisa.

1. Bacalah ayat-ayat dibawah ini tiap selesai sholat subuh dan ashar :

- Surah Ali Imran ayat 173 (dibaca 100x)

- Surah Al Anbita ayat 87 (dibaca 100x)

- Surah Al Maidah ayat 52 (dibaca 100x)

- Surah Al Mu'min ayat 44 (dibaca 100x)

2. Lakukan puasa sunah setiap hari kelahiran/weton (Puasa Weton)

Lakukan secara istiqomah (terus menerus tanpa bosan). Insya Allah selubung gaib perlindungan akan makin kuat untuk melindungi anda.

Ayat Pembuka Pandangan Gaib

Ayat berikut sangat ampuh untuk membuka mata batin manusia sehingga akan terbuka padanya pandangan gaib yang selama ini tertutup.

Berkata Imam Besar Syeikh Muhyiddin Al Araby "

"barang siapa membaca ayat kursyi (Al Baqarah : 255) sebanyak 1000x (seribu) kali tiap hari dan dibaca terus-menerus sampai 40 hari. Demi Allah dan demi kebenaran Al Quran, akan dibukakan pandangan gaib atasnya bangsa ruhani, sehingga datang malaikat berkunjung kepada pembacanya. Dan akan berhasil segala tujuan hidupnya dan terkabul segala keinginannya seperti menjadi pemimpin/pembesar.

Menutup Mata Batin (indera ke-6)

Banyak orang menginginkan mata batin atau indera ke-6nya terbuka. Tapi terkadang ada orang yang mata batinnya telah terbuka justru ingin menutupnya karena tidak kuat selalu melihat penampakan yang menyeramkan. Inilah caranya agar mata batin bisa tertutup kembali.

1. Tiap malam jam 3 dini hari lakukan sholat hajat 2 rokaat selama 7 hari berturut-turut.

2. Usai sholat, baca :

- "Ya Alloh" 66x

- "Bismillahirohmanirohim, alhamdulillahirobbil 'alamin wa shollalohu ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa shohbihi wasallam" 1x

- "Ya khoirol mas'uliin, Ya mujiiba da'watil mudtorriin , Ya ilahal 'alamin bika angzalta hajati wa angta a'lamu biha faqdiha. Allohumma angta laha wal likulli hajatin faqdiha bifadli" 1x

- "Bismillahirohmanirohim ma yaftahillah linnasi mirrohmatin falaa mumsika laha" 10x

- Ditutup dengan doa sendiri misalnya "Ya Allah tutuplah indera ke-6 saya sehingga saya tidak lagi bisa melihat mahluk/alam gaib"

Insya Allah secara bertahap mata batin akan tertutup sehingga anda tidak lagi bisa melihat mahluk/alam gaib.

Ramuan Obat Santet/Sihir

Berbeda dengan amalan, petunjuk dibawah ini bisa digunakan untuk penyembuhan santet/sihir, kesurupan dll yakni dengan menggunakan ramuan tradisional. Silahkan pilih salah satu dari beberapa petunjuk berikut ini :

Resep Pertama

Sediakan 1 buah pisang mas, inggu, jadam, bawang putih, belerang/tanah cempaka, lumut pada batu nisan. Semua bahan digiling halus lalu digosok pada bagian yang sakit sebanyak 2x sehari (pagi dan malam). Lakukan sampai sembuh.

Resep Kedua

Sediakan beras 1 genggam, kulit jeruk purut 6 potong dibakar dulu hingga lembab. 1 butir bawang putih, kemenyan 1 ibu jari. Semua bahan digiling halus dan kemudian digosok merata pada bagian yang sakit.

Resep Ketiga

Sediakan 1 buah jeruk limau, jadam, inggu, bawang putih, minyak kelapa 2-3 sendok. Caranya : jeruk limau dibakar di atas bara api sampai hitam, diperas dan diambil airnya. Bahan lain digiling halis, lalu dicampur dengan minyak kelapa dan air perasan jeruk limau tadi. Lalu digosok pada tubuh yang sakit secara merata.

Semoga berhasil!!

Cara Mengisi Batu Akik untuk Keselamatan

Batu akik (kecubung, safir, badar besi dll) yang bertuah banyak kita temui dimana-mana. Namun bisakah kita mengisinya sendiri dengan energi gaib? simak caranya berikut ini :

1. Siapkan batu akik yang asli.

2 .Sholawat dan mantra di bawah ini 440x :

Allohumma sholli 'ala sayyidina muhammadin
Wa 'alihii wa shohbihi wa sallim
Badanku rasa sejati
Sejatine rasa manjing ana ing tengah-tengahing ka'batulloh

Tiap mendapat 1 kali bacaan, tiupkan ke batu akik tersebut.

3. Jika anda ingin memberikan batu akik ini kepada seseorang, maka pegang pusarnya sambil berdoa dengan bahasa sendiri agar Allah senantiasa memberikan keselamatan kepada pemegang batu akik tersebut.

Insya Allah yang membawa batu akik itu akan selamat dari senjata tajam serta berbagai bahaya fisik dan metafisik lainnya. Batu ini hanya wasilah, Allah jua yang melindungi kita. Ibarat makan obat, maka obat itu hanya wasilah kesembuhan, hakekatnya adalah Allah yang menyembuhkan.

Cara Mudah Menangkal Ilmu Sirep

Maling jaman sekarang sudah semakin canggih karena telah dibekali ilmu sirep ketika melakukan aksinya. Ilmu sirep bisa menidurkan seluruh penghuni rumah dan maling tersebut akan menjarah harta anda tanpa hambatan. Tips berikut ini sangat mudah dilakukan agar ilmu sirep tidak mempan :

Ada 2 cara yang bisa anda lakukan. Silahkan pilih salah satu atau keduanya juga boleh.

CARA 1 :
Bagi yang tidur berpasangan, ketika tidur kepalanya jangan sama-sama menghadap satu arah. Harus ada yang berlawanan arah. Misalnya suami tidur kepalanya menghadap ke selatan, berarti si istri kepalanya harus menghadap ke utara.

CARA 2 :

1. Membaca ta'awudz : A’uudzubillaahi minassysyaithoonirrojiim
(artinya : Aku berlindung dengan Allah yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui dari gangguan Syaithan yang terkutuk)

2.Membaca : A’uudzu bikalimaatillaahittaammaati min syarri maa kholaq (artinya : Aku berlindung pada kalimat Allah yang sempurna, dari kejahatan apa-apa yang diciptakan)

3 Membaca surat al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, dan Annaas

4. Membaca Al-Baqarah ayat 1-5

Keterangan : point 1-4 dibaca secara berurutan lalu ulangi lagi sampai 3x. Bacalah cara 2 ini diwaktu pagi dan petang.

Rajah Anti Santet Untuk Rumah

Rumah anda wajib dipagari secara gaib agar terhindar dari tipu daya iblis dalam bentuk sihir, santet, guna-guna dan ilmu hitam lainnya. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan memasang rajah khusus yang bisa dibuat sendiri. Caranya sederhana namun terkenal sangat ampuh untuk menolak ilmu hitam.

1. Tulislah "BISMILLAHIROHMANIRROHIIM" (dalam bahasa arab) sebanyak 35x di sehelai kertas putih polos. Menulisnya dengan tinta minyak misik atau zakfaron.

2. Ketika sedang menulis lidah ditekuk ke atas langit-langit mulut sambil berzikir dalam hati "Allah...Allah..." dan seterusnya sampai menulisnya selesai.

3. Tempelkan di atas pintu rumah anda. Jika diperlukan, anda bisa membuat beberapa rajah dan ditempel pada beberapa pintu rumah. Agar tidak kelihatan mencolok, anda bisa bingkai dengan frame foto atau apapun agar terlihat sebagai hiasan belaka.

Pengalaman membuktikan, cara ini cukup sukses membendung ilmu hitam yang akan masuk ke rumah. Disarankan juga anda memiliki pagar gaib di badan agar lebih aman dari gangguan gaib sebab rajah diatas hanya berfungsi sebagai tameng rumah.

Agar Rumah Tangga Rukun Kembali

Rumah tangga yang terancam berantakan, Insya Allah bisa rukun kembali dengan amalan dibawah ini :

Allaahumma innii as-alukal'aaafiyata fii diiniii wa dunyaya wa ahlii.Allaahummas
tur'auratii wa aamin rau'atii wahfazh-nii min baini yadayya wamin kholfii wa'an
yamiinii wa'an syimaalii wa min fauqii wa min tahtii. Allaahummaj'al sariiratii
khoiran min 'alaaniyatii waj'alaaniyatii shaalihah

1. Lakukan sholat tahajud tiap malam lalu bacalah ayat diatas sebanyak 41x.

2. Lakukan secara terus menerus minal 7 hari berturut-turut tanpa putus. Insya Allah rumah tangga akan rukun kembali meski sebelumnya rumah tangga anda mengalami berbagai masalah.

INSYA ALLAH, dengan keteguhan dan keyakinan kepada ALLAH SWT!

Tahan Pukul

1. Agar Tahan Pukul

Tiap selesai sholat bacalah wirid berikut :

- Bismillahirohmanirrohim 1x

- Bismilahi Aquwatuh,bismillahi qoimatuh, La haula walla quwata ila billahil allliyil adhim (dibaca berulang-ulang semampunya)

- Ya Qowiyyu ya matiin (dibaca berulang-ulang semampunya)

2. Bila akan berlatih beladiri/silat bacalah amalan ini untuk memperkokoh kaki atau kuda2 sehingga bagaikan kokoh/kuat dari sapuan lawan.

Kullu insanin dhaifun,wa qullu insanin qowwiyun 13x

3. Amalan dibawah ini adalah untuk merigankan tubuh dan kegesitan dalam bergerak, sehingga gerakan akan luwes dan akan mudah mengindari setiap gempuran dan serangan lawan, badan kita seolah dibimbing untuk bergerak menghindari serangan.

Kirim fatihah ke :
Khususan Illa hadrotir ruhi....Syekh Abdul qodir jailani 1x
Khususan Illa hadrotir ruhi....Syek Maruf al kharqi 1x
Khususan Illa hadrotir ruhi....Syek Badawi ar rifai 1x
Khususan Illa hadrotir ruhi....Syek Uqoil al manjani 1x
Khususan Illa hadrotir ruhi....Syek Haya ibny qois 1x
Khususan Illa hadrotir ruhi....Abi wa umi 1x

Bismillahirohmanirrohim 1x,

Inahu min sulaimana wainahu bismillahirohmanirrohim ala ta'lu alayya wa'tuni muslimin. Allohuma aatinni min ilmis siyyal min sayyidina alliyin karomallohu wajhah (baca sebanyak-banyaknya minimal 1x)

4. Agar pukulan lebih kuat berbobot dan mantap,

"Waidza bathostum bathostum jabarin" (dibaca 21x sesudah shalat sambil menggenggamkan kedua tangan kemudian tiupkan ke tangan anda)

Amalan Perlindungan Dari Gangguan Ghaib Di Perjalanan (Muslim)

Saat keluar rumah diawali langkah kaki kanan kemudian membaca (berurutan):

1. Bismillahi tawakaltu Alallhi wa lahaula wa la kuwata ilaa billahil aliiyul adzim
2. Ya Latief 7x (sambil menahan nafas)
3. Alfatihah dan sholawat untuk Rasulullah
4. Ayat kursi
5. Istighfar 3x

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mountain Equipment Kongur MRT - Initial thoughts

RRP £300

Well I must have been good this year as my gift from Santa (or more accurately my loving parents) was a Mountain Equipment Kongur MRT jacket. Undoubtabley one of the best hard shell jackets on the market.

Having only worn this in the comfort of my home, I can't yet say anything about the performance of the jacket. However what I can say is that this jacket is truly incredible, it feels amazing, it fits great, the cut is perfect, the fabrics used feel tough, it has high reflective strips for bad visibility, and best of all the colour scheme looks awesome.

I will be getting out on the hill in this in the next couple of weeks, where I will post a full review!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Landrover S1 Rugged Mobile

RRP £299.99

Before reading this review take a couple of minutes to watch these 2 videos. . .



Done? Excellent. I bought one of these last week (I say bought, it actually was available as a free upgrade on my contract). However the phone boasts a number of features that caught my interest from the start.

The landrover X1 also branded as the Sonim XP3 has the following features:

- 2MP Camera with Flash
- Built-in GPS with SIRF
- Torch Light
- FM Radio
- Sonim Applications
- MSD Card Slot (up to 2 GB)

Nothing special right? Not really. However it’s the phones ultra tough and rugged build that makes the phone the perfect phone for outdoor workers. The phone boasts the following rugged features:

1. Dust proof – due to its non porous casing, meaning even micro dust particles cannot work their way into the phone over long periods.

2. Ultra long battery life – 1500 hours (yes 1,500 hours) of standby time and 18 hours of talk time

3. Built in GPS

4. Submersible in water up to 1 metre

5. Impact proof – withstands repeated drops from 2 metres high on to concrete

6. Works in extremes of temperature (-20oC to + 60 oC)

7. The camera works under water (that’s just cool!)

8. And best of all the phone has an unconditional 3 year guarantee

The phone itself its very substantial. When holding it, it just feels tough. If you are one of the many people like me who can’t stand small buttons on phones when texting, fear not, the S1 is big finger friendly! Now I should make the point now that if you are one of these people who like your phone to have the latest blinged up to date menutouchscreenslicklookingshiny interface. . . you will be very disappointed with this phone. Comparing it to cars this phone is more like a tank. . . however going into war I would rather be in a tank than a Ferrari. The interface is easy to use, texts are easy to send, calls are easy to make and the selection of ringtones is suitably crap.

The phone comes in a small land rover tool box with a belt clip, charger, software and PC cable. It’s quick to charge, and very easy to use (I had this one up and ready to use, with all my contacts copied across from my old phone in about 30mins). Overall I will sum this phone up with a quote from the telegraph newspaper dated Jul 2009.
“The staff at the sun newspaper managed to break one of these phones. . . under the weight of a 3 tonne fork lift truck. Prior to that it survived being baked in an oven at 150 degrees, being left in a pint of beer for an hour, being put in a washing machine, and being thrown out of a second floor building window”

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Landrover S1 Rugged Mobile - initial thoughts

My Sony Ericsson has been giving me some trouble lately so I decided that it was time I upgraded my mobile. My main problem with phones is I seem to break them in one way or another, which is why I went for C702. However this time I thought I would go all out for the toughest phone money could buy. In this case my quest lead me to the Landrover X1. At an RRP of £299.99 this phone is not cheap and I have to say had I not been offered it on a free upgrade on my contract I would not have bothered buying it! However I am very glad I did! I will be getting a full review up on this in the next couple of days. In the meantime pics;

The phone boasts being waterproof and submersible to 1m for 30minutes, operation in extreme temperatures both high and low, GPS, 1000 hours battery life and many other cool features which will make it ideal for any outdoor enthusiast. Initial thoughts are that this is a well built chunk of a phone, that I am going to love!

Review coming in the next couple of days!