Ramuan ini sangatlah baik,untuk ibu-ibu yang baru saja melahirkan
supanya vagina kembali rapet dan singset...
Bahan :
- jeruk nipis/pecel 1 buah
- jintan 5 gram
- kunir/kunyit 15 gram
-bunga delima 10 gram
- jintan,kunyit dan bunga delima di tumbuk jadi satu. lalu di tuangi air panas 3/4 gelas.
jeruk nipis di peras di ambil airnya.Masukan ke dalam ramuan tadi dan aduk sampai rata
-di minum menjelang makan malam 2hari 1 x
ambil beberapa buah pinang di iris iris halus lalu di jemur. setelah kering di tumbuk halus untuk
di jadikan serbuk.
tiap minum ambil 1 sendok teh,di seduh dengan 1 cangkir air panas tunggu sampai hangat
lalu di minum. Lakukan ini selam 1 minggu..dan anda akan segera melihat hasilnya...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Perihal Penis
- sebelum bersetubuh basuhkan batang penis dengan air hangat atau air teh hangat
sambil di urut hingga merah dan tegang
-lalu di usap dengan madu jahe
-dengan cara ini penis akan membesar dan tegang
-minyakilah batang penis dengan minyak yang terbuat dari lintah,lakukanlah selama beberapa
hari maka penis akan tegak dan kokoh
-jika rajin melakukannya tiap hari kurang seminggu anda akan melihat hasilnya
cara membuat minyak lintah
- ambil beberapa ekor lintah,masukan ke dalam botol yang berisi minyak kelapa asli,lalu di
jemur sampai lintah tersebut bercampur dengan minyak kelapa.
- sebelum bersetubuh basuhkan batang penis dengan air hangat atau air teh hangat
sambil di urut hingga merah dan tegang
-lalu di usap dengan madu jahe
-dengan cara ini penis akan membesar dan tegang
-minyakilah batang penis dengan minyak yang terbuat dari lintah,lakukanlah selama beberapa
hari maka penis akan tegak dan kokoh
-jika rajin melakukannya tiap hari kurang seminggu anda akan melihat hasilnya
cara membuat minyak lintah
- ambil beberapa ekor lintah,masukan ke dalam botol yang berisi minyak kelapa asli,lalu di
jemur sampai lintah tersebut bercampur dengan minyak kelapa.
Obat Impotens
Bahan :
- ambil biji pare secukupnya di sangrai sampai kering,kemudian di giling halus
pemakaiannya ambil 10 gram bubuk pare tadi tambahkan sedikit air matang dan 2 sendok makan
madu murni,minumlah sehari 3x
-biji pare 15 gram
-kucai 15 gram
-merica 20 butir
rebus ramuan tadi dengan 600cc air bersih dan biarkan hingga airnya tersisa 300cc
dalam keadaan hangat kemudian di saring dan di minum
Obat Keputihan dengan daun Turi
- segenggam daun turi putih
- kunyit sebesar ibu jari
- 3/4 cangkir air minum
-daun turi dan kunyit di cuci bersih lalu di giling halus tambahkan air minum 3/4 cangkir
di aduk merata,di peras dan di saring.
- di minum sehari 2x
Obat keputihan
Bahan :
- 2 rimpang kunyit
- 1 genggam daun beluntas
- 1 genggam buah asam
- 1 potong gula aren
-Semua bahan di atas di godok dengan 1 liter air dan di minum setiap hari
- 2 rimpang kunyit
- 1 genggam daun beluntas
- 1 genggam buah asam
- 1 potong gula aren
-Semua bahan di atas di godok dengan 1 liter air dan di minum setiap hari
Cara mengobati keputihan
Bahan :
-Madu murni 2 sendok makan
-Kuning telur ayam kampung 1 butir
-Daun sembung 3 lembar
-Daun asam 1 genggam
-Jeruk nipis 1 buah
Caranya :
- daun sembung,daun asam di godok dengan air 2 gelas
hingga tinggal 1 gelas
- telur di ambil kuningnya,jeruk nipis di peras dan madu di aduk jadi satu,lalu di masukan
ke dalam air rebusan yg telah dingin. Di minum sekali sehabis di pagi hari. sore hari buat
ramuan baru untuk di minum
Keputihan di sebabkan oleh suatu penyakit pada bagian rahim,saluran telur atau bagian lain dari alat kelamin wanita,yaitu infeksi,jamur,parasit,bakteri atau kuman,karena kurangnya kebersihan.
Keputihan juga bisa di sebabkan oleh kekurangan gizi,kelelahan,kegemukan atau kurang darah.
tanda tandanya adalah,kemaluan wanita sering mengeluarkan cairan putih,muka pucat,rasa sakit pada rahim dan nafsu sex menurun.
bahan resep tradisional untuk keputihan sbb:
-3 tangkai daun pepaya muda
-1o batang akar alang-alang
-5 gram pulosari
-daun pepaya,akar alang-alang dan pulosari di godok dengan air 2 gelas dan biarkan sampai
jadi 1 gelas.
- di minum biasa setiap ari
Keputihan juga bisa di sebabkan oleh kekurangan gizi,kelelahan,kegemukan atau kurang darah.
tanda tandanya adalah,kemaluan wanita sering mengeluarkan cairan putih,muka pucat,rasa sakit pada rahim dan nafsu sex menurun.
bahan resep tradisional untuk keputihan sbb:
-3 tangkai daun pepaya muda
-1o batang akar alang-alang
-5 gram pulosari
-daun pepaya,akar alang-alang dan pulosari di godok dengan air 2 gelas dan biarkan sampai
jadi 1 gelas.
- di minum biasa setiap ari
Agar Vagina tidak Lembek dan Becek
Inilah Ramuan warisan nenek moyang kita ,tips untuk menjaga keharmonisan rumah tangga
Vagina tidak terasa lembek dan becek melainkan,kesat dan peret sehingga suami merasa nikmat berlipat-lipat
bahan :
- 1 buah lombok hijau
- 100 gram daun pepaya
- 20 gram daun sirih
- Asam jawa kawak secukupnya
- daun pepaya dan daun sirih serta Lombok hijau,di tumbuk jadi satu,di beri setengah gelas air
panas lalu di peras dan di saring. terakhir masukan asam kawak dan di aduk sampai rata
Pemakaian :
- di minum pagi hari dan menjelang tidur
- lakukan cara ini selama 1 bulan
- tak sampai dari 1 bulan anda akan dapat melihat hasilnya,tapi teruskanlah,lalu seminggu 2x
-jangan makan terong,kecuali terong ungu
-jangan sering minum es,atau makan mentimun
Vagina tidak terasa lembek dan becek melainkan,kesat dan peret sehingga suami merasa nikmat berlipat-lipat
bahan :
- 1 buah lombok hijau
- 100 gram daun pepaya
- 20 gram daun sirih
- Asam jawa kawak secukupnya
- daun pepaya dan daun sirih serta Lombok hijau,di tumbuk jadi satu,di beri setengah gelas air
panas lalu di peras dan di saring. terakhir masukan asam kawak dan di aduk sampai rata
Pemakaian :
- di minum pagi hari dan menjelang tidur
- lakukan cara ini selama 1 bulan
- tak sampai dari 1 bulan anda akan dapat melihat hasilnya,tapi teruskanlah,lalu seminggu 2x
-jangan makan terong,kecuali terong ungu
-jangan sering minum es,atau makan mentimun
Masakan kusus untuk penderita Impotens
Dengan melakukan tips resep di bawah ini secara tekun dan rajin insya allah Impotens anda
akan segera sembuh:
Bahan :
- 500 gram buah pare
- 250 gram kerang hijau yang sudah di rebus
- 100 gram cabai hijau
- 100 gram cabai merah
- 150 gram tomat
- 6 siung bawang merah
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 3 iris jahe
- 3 iris kunyit
- 3 iris lengkuas
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 1 batang serai
- garam dan gula pasirr secukupnya
- minyak goreng secukupnya
- setelah di cuci bersih,buah pare di buang bijinya,di rajang atau di iris kasar-kasar
- iris cabe merah,cabe hijau dalam bentuk menyerong,tomat di rajang kasar
- tumislah semua bumbu-bumbu sampai setengah layu,masukan tomat,pare,kerang hijau,beri
garam dan gula pasir secukupnya,aduk sampai merata hingga setengah matang
-amalkan cara tersebut di atas untuk makanan sehari-hari.
akan segera sembuh:
Bahan :
- 500 gram buah pare
- 250 gram kerang hijau yang sudah di rebus
- 100 gram cabai hijau
- 100 gram cabai merah
- 150 gram tomat
- 6 siung bawang merah
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 3 iris jahe
- 3 iris kunyit
- 3 iris lengkuas
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 1 batang serai
- garam dan gula pasirr secukupnya
- minyak goreng secukupnya
- setelah di cuci bersih,buah pare di buang bijinya,di rajang atau di iris kasar-kasar
- iris cabe merah,cabe hijau dalam bentuk menyerong,tomat di rajang kasar
- tumislah semua bumbu-bumbu sampai setengah layu,masukan tomat,pare,kerang hijau,beri
garam dan gula pasir secukupnya,aduk sampai merata hingga setengah matang
-amalkan cara tersebut di atas untuk makanan sehari-hari.
Tips agar Buah Dada Kencang
Resep ini sangat berguna bagi Ibu-ibu yang baru saja melahirkan dan harus menyusui banyinya.
Dengan melakukan resep ini secara tekun dan teratur maka buah dada anda akan kembali kencang seperti semula
Bahan :
- 2 genggam daun dan bunga tanjung
- 1 gelas minyak kelapa
Caranya :
-daun dan bunga tanjung di lanyukan/di keringkan
-rebus daun dan bunga tersebut dalam 1 gelas minyak kelapa asli hingga mendidih lalu di angkat
-setelah dingin di saring.masukan kedalam botol dan di tutup rapat.
digunakan mengurut buah dada anda dan lebih baiknya sebelum memakai tips ini,gunakanlah minyak bulus terlebih dahulu.
Dengan melakukan resep ini secara tekun dan teratur maka buah dada anda akan kembali kencang seperti semula
Bahan :
- 2 genggam daun dan bunga tanjung
- 1 gelas minyak kelapa
Caranya :
-daun dan bunga tanjung di lanyukan/di keringkan
-rebus daun dan bunga tersebut dalam 1 gelas minyak kelapa asli hingga mendidih lalu di angkat
-setelah dingin di saring.masukan kedalam botol dan di tutup rapat.
digunakan mengurut buah dada anda dan lebih baiknya sebelum memakai tips ini,gunakanlah minyak bulus terlebih dahulu.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Landrover S1. . . how tough is it really?
Well how tough is it? I've had this phone since december now, and whilst I did some initial testing to check general toughness (throwing in water etc) I'd been wanting to push it a bit further. I was working this weekend, and one of the kids I was working with spotted my phone clipped to my belt. This sparked off a series of "Sir can I smash your phone on the ground" and "Sir can I tip my drink on your phone". Now whilst not keen on letting a group of lads from Stoke boot my phone around part of me was curious to see what would happen. And given it had a 3 year guarantee on it with the tagline "you break it for any reason we replace it" I was tempted. Later on in the day we were up in the high ropes tower doing the "parachute jump" (very cool indeed and worth checking out www.stanleyhead.org.uk, weekend bookings available :) )and one of the kids said "Sir if your phone is that tough then proove it".
Never one to back away from a challenge, I looked over the edge of the tower to check for people below(see pic) then promptly dropped it over the side of the tower. If nothing else this achieved a loud gasp from the group of lads in question. But what was even more impressive was when I got back down to the ground and inspected the phone, not only did it work fine, there was not even a scratch on it! Impressive!
During the weekend I did a number of other tests on the phone, including dropping it out of the bouldering room abseil hatch onto concrete, dunking it into my tea, leaving it in the freezer, and various other horrible things, and it still works perfectly.
The only problem I experienced is that if you drown it in water, water can get into the speaker hole, best way I've found it to leave it upside down for a short period to allow water to drain out. I should add this doesnt damage the phone just water getting stuck in the the hole!
Awesome piece of kit!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Black diamond Blizzard accessories
I have a black diamond blizzard harness, and I've always loved it for it's comfort, good fit and quality build. Black diamond also do 2 accessories for this harness to aid the budding winter climber. I now have both of these;
Black Diamond Blizzard Holster:
This small webbing holster attaches to the blizzard (or any other harness) and allows the user to holster one or both of their ice tools whilst placing gear etc. I would say its a nifty little accessory, but can be a little bit fiddly holstering 2 tools, however to holster one tool at a time is very easy! Overall, nice addition to my harness and easy to use.
Black diamond ice clipper:
This is the best few quid ive ever spent! It is such a great bit of kit. It allows you not only to rack your ice screws easily, but also when trad climbing its very easy to stow gear when seconding, or clip you belay device to avoid fannying around at the top of route finding it. The ice clipper will fit to any harness, however the BD blizzard has custom slots to slide these in, making them even more secure! My friend Matt Reynolds also loves these:
"BD ice clippers. These little plastic 'biners are simply like the most innovative idea ever (not just BD ones, I mean the whole concept). For those that don't know then they are little plastic 'biners that are held sort of poking out from your harness so you can rack screws (or anything you want) on them. I brought 2 initially as I was trying to expand my summer harness with more gear loops (I just brought a DMM Renegade in the end, another quality piece of kit)."
Taken from http://www.lifeattheendofarope.blogspot.com/ (worth a read for some of Matts Crazy Stories!)
Overall Black Diamonds 2 cheap accessories make a good harness even better, and for the few quid involved its very worth investing! I now have a holster for my axes AND an ice clipper on the left and right of my harness for ice screws and anything else!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Mountain Equipment Kongur MRT
RRP: £320
This Christmas my parents wanted to buy me a new jacket to update my Millet Hardshell that I’ve had since I was 18. When thinking of which jacket I wanted the first think that sprung to mind was “Mountain Equipment”. I am in no doubt that Mountain Equipment is one of the (if not THE) best company out there at the moment. I own a number of mountain equipment products, all of which have stood the test of time, and been damn good in the process. But any hardshell I bought would have to be as good as my Millet one (no easy task!). My Millet jacket has been my faithful companion in sub zero temperatures in the depths of Scottish winter, at 18,500ft above sea level in the Himalayas, in dust storms in Iceland glacial plateaus, through my ML training and ML assessment, and through countless crap days in Stoke! So in replacing it I needed a jacket that would fill that gap. I had already tried on the ME Kongur and had liked it. At £280 the Kongur was not cheap. I was also aware of the Kongur MRT a beefed up stronger version of the Kongur. The Kongur itself came highly recommended, it had won Trail’s ultimate waterproof test twice and had ringing endorsements from numerous reviewers. The MRT version was £40 more than the Kongur. However on reading about it I figured I might as well get that one.
The Kongur came on Christmas day and good lord is it good! The jacket uses Gore’s latest Gortex fibre – proshell. It feels very crinkly, I don’t know whether this is just because it is a new jacket! The toughened fibres on the shoulders, arms, and back feel very substantial, almost feels like a canvas material in a way. All the zips are waterproof including the pit zips (for added ventilation), and the cut of the jacket is perfect. What I would also say about the jacket is unlike a number of mountain equipments other jackets, the sizing is slightly larger on this. The XL fits me with plenty of room for extra layers underneath. The mood is the usual level of high quality I’ve come to expect from Mountain Equipment, plenty big enough for a helmet underneath – my salamander has quite lower clearance, however I have tried it with an Elios and Ecrin underneath and they fit just as well. The other added perk to the new Kongur is the reflective stripping added to increase visibility in bad conditions.
All in all the extra £40 is definitely worth it! The toughened fibres are brilliant! The Kongur MRT is on offer on theoutdoorshop.com at £240 at the moment which is a fantastic offer for a fantastic piece of kit. I also like the fact that the colour scheme of red and black is similar to my trademark red and grey Millet hard shell.
FEATURES & BENEFITS (From www.mountain-equipment.co.uk)
• 3 Layer Gore-Tex® Pro Shell Ascendor
• 3 Layer Gore-Tex® Pro Shell Lofoten reinforcements
• 3M® reflective detailing for visibility in poor weather & darkness
• Super longer cut provides exceptional protection
• Award winning helmet compatible Stealth construction hood
• Stealth construction techniques used throughout
• Slim double centre front storm flaps
• 2 large chest pockets can be used whilst wearing a rucksack or harness
• 2 external map pockets allow hidden access to stored items
• Underarm Water resistant pit zips for ventilation
Monday, January 4, 2010
Layering systems – What’s that all about?
Another in the series of things I’ve been wanting to write about lately! This article will cover a little bit about types of layer and what each is suitable for.
A number of different layers exist. When looking to get a layering system, it can be very confusing to understand all these layers and where they would fit into your system. Easiest way to look at layering is to start at the inside layer (closest to your body) and work outward:
Base layer: The base layer is as it says; your base. It is the closest layer to your body. A number of different base layers exist, some designed for summer, some for winter. Some designed to be warm when wet and some designed to dry quick. As such it is impossible to categorise base layers into any sub categories. However as a general rule summer base layers wick sweat away from the body ensuring you stay dry, but also ensuring air circulation so you stay cool. Winter base layers are designed more to keep heat in, usually comprised of wool or synthetic fibres, winter base layers are also slightly thicker.
Mid layer: “Mid layers” covers a wide variety of layers, fleeces, jumpers, down jackets and soft shell jackets. The idea of the mid layer is to provide additional warmth depending on the environment. Down jackets that are not waterproof are usually worn in the mid layer position depending on temperature (they are very warm) and weather (they are not usually waterproof). Soft shell jackets is arguably a category on its own, however I have included soft shells in mid layers. Soft shell covers jackets that provide additional warmth, but provide some protection from the elements. Soft shells (sometimes called wind stoppers) are usually windproof, and shower proof, they are however not suitable for heavier rain.
Hard shell: Hard shell jackets provide a complete barrier against water and some protection against wind. They are however not warm, so need to be supported by mid layers which provide the warmth. The hard shell basically protects anything underneath it from getting wet. Hard shells vary in quality, with the best (in my opinion) being Pro shell Gortex. Other waterproof materials include drilite, hyvent, event and paramo.
Other outershells: Synthetic belay jackets, waterproof down jackets. Belay jackets are designed to be thrown on over the top of other layers whilst climbing or in bad conditions. They are usually waterproof or highly water resistant, with either synthetic or pure down for warmth. Jackets like this provide both warmth and protection from bad conditions.
Ilmu raga jati (2)
Setelah anda menyelesaikan ilmu raga jati ...ada baiknya anda melanjutkan ketingkat raga jati berikutnya tingkat 2...
raga jati tingkat 2 khusus bisa untuk pengobatan,keberkahan tangan,daya pukul lebih kuat,energi pengasihan,kharisma wibawa lebih kuat
baca amalan ini"
kun allah kun muhamad kun tiada bertitih
kun allah kun muhamad kun tiada bergaya
kukuh allah tasbih rosuululloh
allohumma nur rohman sayyidul qodrati
(ya hu ya allah) 3x.(yaa rohman) 3x. (yaa rohiim)3x
ah ih uh ih ih uh uh
baca 41x sehabis sholat hajat,dan habis sholat fardu 7x selama 3 hari
raga jati tingkat 2 khusus bisa untuk pengobatan,keberkahan tangan,daya pukul lebih kuat,energi pengasihan,kharisma wibawa lebih kuat
baca amalan ini"
kun allah kun muhamad kun tiada bertitih
kun allah kun muhamad kun tiada bergaya
kukuh allah tasbih rosuululloh
allohumma nur rohman sayyidul qodrati
(ya hu ya allah) 3x.(yaa rohman) 3x. (yaa rohiim)3x
ah ih uh ih ih uh uh
baca 41x sehabis sholat hajat,dan habis sholat fardu 7x selama 3 hari
Ilmu Ragajati
lakunya :
1.baca "yaa qowiyyu yaa mattin 100x habis sholat fardhu selama 13 hari
2.dilanjut baca mantera wajib :
"yaa allahu yaa qowiyyu yaa mattin yang bermula menjadikan wadi sudah menjadi mani mani maningkem,rasa sudah sekalian bersambung sekalian,yang berdarah renggang ,rapat ,tertutup,terkunci,terkancing.
alif berdiri bernanti
he nafas,hapus hupas
dengan berkat doa keramat guruku
dengan berkat muji'zat penghuluku nabi muhamad
dengan berkat kalimat laa ilaaha illallaah muhamadarosullullah
hak hak hak hak hak hak hak hak hak (tahan nafas) dibaca 41 x dlm sehari semalam boleh dibagi pembacaaanya yg penting dlm sehari 41 x
lakukan 13 hari..setelah selesai masa 13 hari amalan dibaca minimal 1 x dlm sehari..semakin sering dibaca semakin besar energi kita dan sinar wibawa akan keluar dgn sangat kuat.badan menjadi bugar dan kuat serta keselamatan .
Cara melihat Jin
Bagi anda yang ingin melihat jin, berikut tata cara lakunya :
1.Berniat dulu dalam hati
2.Ambil wudlhu terus masuk kedalam kamar sendirian,
matikan lampunya.
baca doa pager diri HUU ALLOH 21 kali
sambil tahan nafas.
3.terus baca doanya : YAYARAI. DADA ARDI. YAMAYYITI. 444 kali
Bagi yang belum kuat mental jangan coba-coba melakukan hal seperti di atas.
1.Berniat dulu dalam hati
2.Ambil wudlhu terus masuk kedalam kamar sendirian,
matikan lampunya.
baca doa pager diri HUU ALLOH 21 kali
sambil tahan nafas.
3.terus baca doanya : YAYARAI. DADA ARDI. YAMAYYITI. 444 kali
Bagi yang belum kuat mental jangan coba-coba melakukan hal seperti di atas.
Agar istri cepat mencapai Puncak
Biasanya kaum wanita lebih lama dalam mencapai orgasme,,hal ini tidak menjadi masalah kalau sang suami bisa mengimbanginya,,benar ndak?
nah...untuk mengatasi agar sang istri bisa mengimbangi kemampuan suami,berikut ramuannya:
Bahan :
-2 sendok makan adas pulosari
-2 sendok makan madu asli
-2 butir kuning telur ayam kampung
-3 lembar daun kates/pepaya
- 10 butir merica hitam
Caranya :
- adas pulosari dan merica hitam di tumbuk halu. campurkan kuning telur ayam. daun pepaya
di tumbuk lalu di peras dan di saring. masukan ke dalam ramuan di atas tadi campur dan
aduk hingga rata betul.
- di minum sekaligus pada pagi hari atau menjelang tidur.lakukan seminggu sekali dan anda
akan mencapai orgasme dengan mudah atau cepat dari biasanya.
nah...untuk mengatasi agar sang istri bisa mengimbangi kemampuan suami,berikut ramuannya:
Bahan :
-2 sendok makan adas pulosari
-2 sendok makan madu asli
-2 butir kuning telur ayam kampung
-3 lembar daun kates/pepaya
- 10 butir merica hitam
Caranya :
- adas pulosari dan merica hitam di tumbuk halu. campurkan kuning telur ayam. daun pepaya
di tumbuk lalu di peras dan di saring. masukan ke dalam ramuan di atas tadi campur dan
aduk hingga rata betul.
- di minum sekaligus pada pagi hari atau menjelang tidur.lakukan seminggu sekali dan anda
akan mencapai orgasme dengan mudah atau cepat dari biasanya.
10 Resep kuat bersetubuh ( kusus pria )
Bahan-bahan berikut ini di ambil sepantasnya saja di tambah air kira-kira satu cerek penuh dan di rebus hingga mendidih serta tinggal separoh airnya,kemudian di minum.
1. minumlah rebusan daun jakatua dan kajar angkrik
2. minumlah rebusan daun cung cung beluk,adas pulowaras,temu bawang merah,sedang ampasnya
tampel di perut.
3. tumbuklah akar dan jayapurusa dengan adas pulowaras rebus lalu di minum
4. minumlah rebusan cabe lempuyang,daun jeruk pecel,cengkeh pala,mrica,lidi aren,kajang tua
di tambah sedikit garam.
5. minumla rebusan cabe lempuyang,kunir,dan daun akar sirih akar rumput teki,serta bonggol
6. minumlah pipisan lembut dari,pangkal pisang saba,sulur tembakau,jeruk lilang yang di
campur dengan air.
7. makanlah hati nanas lebih jika nanas muda
8. usahakan tiap hari makan krupuk rambak/kulit sapi
9. makan telur mentah dari ayam hitam yang di campur bawang putih
10. setiap bangun pagi minumlah air putih bersih,sebelum minum apa apa.
1. minumlah rebusan daun jakatua dan kajar angkrik
2. minumlah rebusan daun cung cung beluk,adas pulowaras,temu bawang merah,sedang ampasnya
tampel di perut.
3. tumbuklah akar dan jayapurusa dengan adas pulowaras rebus lalu di minum
4. minumlah rebusan cabe lempuyang,daun jeruk pecel,cengkeh pala,mrica,lidi aren,kajang tua
di tambah sedikit garam.
5. minumla rebusan cabe lempuyang,kunir,dan daun akar sirih akar rumput teki,serta bonggol
6. minumlah pipisan lembut dari,pangkal pisang saba,sulur tembakau,jeruk lilang yang di
campur dengan air.
7. makanlah hati nanas lebih jika nanas muda
8. usahakan tiap hari makan krupuk rambak/kulit sapi
9. makan telur mentah dari ayam hitam yang di campur bawang putih
10. setiap bangun pagi minumlah air putih bersih,sebelum minum apa apa.
Resep kusus dari negeri Arab
Berikut salah salah resep kusus dari negeri Arab,,untuk para pejantan tangguh..
Bahan :
- satu sendok makan madu murni
- satu sendok makan minyak samin
- satu sendok teh merica
- kuning telur ayam kampung 2 butir
- rajangan lembut daun kucai
Caranya :
-semua bahan di masukan ke dalam gelas,campur dan aduk jadi satu lalu di minum
Bahan :
- satu sendok makan madu murni
- satu sendok makan minyak samin
- satu sendok teh merica
- kuning telur ayam kampung 2 butir
- rajangan lembut daun kucai
Caranya :
-semua bahan di masukan ke dalam gelas,campur dan aduk jadi satu lalu di minum
Mengatasi ejakulasi dini
Obat simple para petarung yang belum saatnya keluar,sudah loyo...dan juga bisa untuk mengobati para jejaka yang suka mimpi basah.
Bahan :
-biji terate 5-12 gram
Caranya :
- biji terate di rebus dengan air secukupnya.
-dan airnya di minum,lakukan hal ini berungkali.
Bahan :
-biji terate 5-12 gram
Caranya :
- biji terate di rebus dengan air secukupnya.
-dan airnya di minum,lakukan hal ini berungkali.
Friday, January 1, 2010
My winter loadout
I’ve been meaning to write about my winter gear and what I take with me winter climbing, so I decided that with photoshop reinstalled I would go through my gear (I’ve always wanted to have a bash at those cut away diagrams!). Below is all the gear I would personally take for the kind of routes I do in winter (I don’t bother with tough mixed climbing, I tend to stick to good condition grade I,II or at a push III and enjoy good mountain days!)
Please note: This is by no means a guide as to what to take, merely my explanation of what I take and why. If you are new to winter climbing or just want some additional reading, I recommend “Winter Skills, Chapter 1 - equipment” by Andy Cunningham and Allen Fyffe, a good read and a good basis for a new climber. Also worth reading “Winterising your rack” by Rob Jarvis (http://www.ukclimbing.com/articles/page.php?id=709)
So onto my gear! The cut away diagram (click to enlarge!) shows the various layers I would wear for a winter mountain day.
1. Helmet – essential if winter climbing to protect you from falling ice and rock, especially if you are belaying from belay, your leader will most likely kick ice and snow down onto you so having a comfortable helmet you can wear all day is important. I have a Grivel Salamader, it’s light and very comfortable, the headtorch elastics are excellent also. However at around £60 it’s not a cheap one!
2. Goggles – I picked these north face goggles up at TK Maxx for £20, however they are usually £90 so I got lucky! Good goggles will help you in bad conditions, and also help with the glare of the sun reflecting on the snow. Alternatively glacier goggles are a good idea. If using sunglasses then make sure you get ones with some wrap around on the sides.
3. Hard shell – My beloved mountain equipment kongur. In my opinion the best and most well designed hard shell on the market. A good winter hard shell is essential for protection against the elements whilst out. The Kongur MRT is excellent however you won’t find it cheaper than around £250.
4. Harness – Harness may or may not be needed depending on what route you plan on doing. Always a good idea to carry you harness if you are planning on doing a route you are unsure about. I have a black diamond Blizzard, with 2 ice clippers to allow me to rack gear closer to the front of my harness, given that I climb with my pack on and reaching to the back of my harness with a rucksack on is difficult. The blizzard is excellent, comfortable and easy to adjust. Can be found at around £50.
Picture above: Selection of ice gear is essential
5. Hard shell trousers – Waterproof trousers are my “weapon of choice” when it comes to winter climbing. Some people opt for soft shell trousers for the added breathability, however I use my waterproofs. My trousers are Mountain Equipment Matrix sallopette (no longer on sale), which are a combination of paclite Gortex and XCR Gortex, with toughened knees and crampon kick straps. I use sallopettes as they are more comfy and don’t ride up exposing my back.
6. Boots – I have both Scarpa Vega (B3) and Scarpa Manta (B2). I tend to use my Manta’s when out, as they are more comfy and less bulky. They do well on simple gully and snow climbs, however for anything more serious consider a B3 boot.
7. Crampons – I use Grivel G12 Newmatic fit. The newmatic binding is semi step in binding, allowing me to quickly fit my crampons when needed, the rear clip fits well on my Mantas, and will fit on any B2 boot because of the front plastic bail. These retail at up to £135 in winter and as low as £90 in summer. All depends when and where you buy them! At present the outdoorshop.com is doing them for £109.
8. Gloves – I wear lining gloves and my Millet winter gloves.
9. Ice axe – I used a Grivel Munro walking axe. The axe is excellent except for the lack of grip, however I used a tennis grip and some duck tape to fix this! I also have a set of DMM fly technical axes for use on routes that are steeper.
10. Winter rack – again this is my personal choice for the routes I do. However you rack should be as broad as possible when packing to go to an area. Make sure to read “winterising your rack” on UKClimbing.com. Myself (and my partner between us) carry:
60 metre dry treated rope x 2 (Beal Iceline)
6-8 Runners depending on the route (Slingdraw)
Hexes (BD Hexcentrics)
Wires (DMM Wallnuts)
Slings (120cm x 2 and 240cm)
Ice screws x 3
Various screwgates
Belay plate (reverso3)
Prussik loops x 2
Picture above: Winter rack as described, minus 1 ice screw and sling draws
This is based on a generised rack, however I customise depending on what I am doing and where I am going.
The second half of my cut away diagram (once again very cool!) Shows what I have underneath my hardshell.
1. Softshell – I wear my softshell underneath, I use an ME Astron, an excellent and comfy softshell, however not ideal for wearing on its own in winter as it provides very little warm. The windproofness of it is fantastic however. Often I wear another mid layer underneath this, along with a base layer underneath that.
2. Leggings – I don’t bother with trousers under my waterproofs, just thermal leggings! I find it keeps me at a good temperature!
3. Gaiters – I wear my XCR gaiters underneath my waterproof trousers to provide a good seal against snow.
4. Socks x 2 pairs. I usually wear my Seal Skinz socks and a pair underneath. Seal Skinz socks and gloves are brilliant and definitely worth a buy!
Picture to the left: Layers that can be used, note the down jacket is underneath the hardshell and the belay jacket is above. This is because the down jacket is NOT waterproof
In additional to all this gear I carry a 38 litre rucksack (Osprey mutant) with the following additional gear in:
First aid kit – Stripped down version of my Mountain Leader First Aid Kit
Penknife – multi blade
Ground shelter bothy bag – 2-3 man
GPS – my Airo A25
Phone – my new Landrover S1
Insulated jacket – my Mountain Equipment Fitzroy OR my North Face Nupste Jacket
Spare gloves – Seal Skinz
Spare shoe laces
Headtorch – Petzl Myo 3
This is an indication of the gear I would take, however this gear is highly customisable depending on what I’m going to do. As I said at the start, do not take this as gospel and I would encourage you to do some background reading if at all unsure. I am not a winter qualified mountain leader (yet!) so what I write here I write as an unqualified winter mountaineer with some experience!
Happy climbing!
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